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Source code for plmapp.views.base

#-!- coding:utf-8 -!-

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :

import datetime
import functools
import json
import traceback
import re
import sys

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.http import (HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden, Http404,
     HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseServerError)
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from openPLM import get_version
import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import get_controller
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import ControllerError
from openPLM.plmapp.forms import get_navigate_form, SimpleSearchForm
from openPLM.plmapp.navigate import NavigationGraph, OSR
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import can_generate_pdf

[docs]def get_obj(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, user): """ Get type, reference and revision of an object and return the related controller :param obj_type: :attr:`.PLMObject.type` :type obj_type: str :param obj_ref: :attr:`.PLMObject.reference` :type obj_ref: str :param obj_revi: :attr:`.PLMObject.revision` :type obj_revi: str :return: a :class:`PLMObjectController` or a :class:`UserController` """ controller_cls = get_controller(obj_type) return controller_cls.load(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, user) # from
[docs]def secure_required(view_func): """Decorator which makes sure URL is accessed over https.""" @functools.wraps(view_func) def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.is_secure(): if getattr(settings, 'FORCE_HTTPS', False): request_url = request.build_absolute_uri(request.get_full_path()) secure_url = request_url.replace('http://', 'https://') return HttpResponseRedirect(secure_url) return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_view_func
[docs]def json_view(func, API_VERSION=""): """ Decorator which converts the result from *func* into a json response. The result from *func* must be serializable by :mod:`json` This decorator automatically adds a ``result`` field to the response if it was not present. Its value is ``'ok'`` if no exception was raised, and else, it is ``'error'``. In that case, a field ``'error'`` is added with a short message describing the exception. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(request, *a, **kw): try: response = dict(func(request, *a, **kw)) if 'result' not in response: response['result'] = 'ok' except KeyboardInterrupt: # Allow keyboard interrupts through for debugging. raise except Exception, e: #Mail the admins with the error exc_info = sys.exc_info() subject = 'JSON view error: %s' % request.path try: request_repr = repr(request) except: request_repr = 'Request repr() unavailable' message = 'Traceback:\n%s\n\nRequest:\n%s' % ( '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)), request_repr, ) mail_admins(subject, message, fail_silently=True) #Come what may, we're returning JSON. msg = _('Internal error') + ': ' + str(e) response = {'result' : 'error', 'error' : msg} response["api_version"] = API_VERSION json_data = json.dumps(response, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder) return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type='application/json') return secure_required(wrapper)
[docs]def get_obj_by_id(obj_id, user): u""" Returns an adequate controller for the object identify by *obj_id*. The returned controller is instanciate with *user* as the user who modify the object. :param obj_id: id of a :class:`.PLMObject` :param user: a :class:`.django.contrib.auth.models.User` :return: a subinstance of a :class:`.PLMObjectController` """ obj = get_object_or_404(models.PLMObject, id=obj_id) obj = models.get_all_plmobjects()[obj.type].objects.get(id=obj_id) return get_controller(obj.type)(obj, user)
[docs]def get_obj_from_form(form, user): u""" Returns an adequate controller for the object identify by form. The returned controller is instanciate with *user* as the user who modify the object. :param form: a valid :class:`.PLMObjectForm` :param user: a :class:`.django.contrib.auth.models.User` :return: a subinstance of a :class:`.PLMObjectController` """ type_ = form.cleaned_data["type"] if type_ == "User": reference = form.cleaned_data["username"] revision = "-" elif type_ == "Group": reference = form.cleaned_data["name"] revision = "-" else: reference = form.cleaned_data["reference"] revision = form.cleaned_data["revision"] return get_obj(type_, reference, revision, user)
[docs]def object_to_dict(plmobject): """ Returns a dictionary representing *plmobject*. The returned dictionary respects the format described in :ref:`http-api-object` """ return dict(,, type=plmobject.type, revision=plmobject.revision, reference=plmobject.reference)
[docs]def handle_errors(func=None, undo="..", restricted_access=True, no_cache=True): """ Decorators which ensures that the user is connected and handles exceptions raised by a controller. If an exception of type :exc:`.django.http.Http404` is raised, the exception is re-raised. If an exception of type :exc:`.ControllerError` is raised, a :class:`.django.http.HttpResponse` is returned with an explanation message. If :attr:`settings.DEBUG` is False and another exception is raised, a :class:`.django.http.HttpResponseServerError` is returned. """ def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) @secure_required @login_required def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): if request.method == "POST" and request.POST.get("_undo"): return HttpResponseRedirect(undo) if restricted_access and request.user.profile.restricted: return HttpResponseForbidden() try: response = f(request, *args, **kwargs) if no_cache: response['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache must-revalidate proxy-revalidate' return response except (ControllerError, ValueError) as exc: ctx = init_ctx("-", "-", "-") ctx["message"] = _(str(exc)) return render_to_response("error.html", ctx, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) except Http404: raise except StandardError: if settings.DEBUG: raise return HttpResponseServerError() return wrapper if func: return decorator(func) return decorator
_version = get_version()
[docs]def init_ctx(init_type_, init_reference, init_revision): """ Initiate the context dictionnary we used to transfer parameters to html pages. Get type, reference and revision of an object and return a dictionnary with them plus current time, :attr:`settings.THUMBNAILS_URL` the begining of the URL to get thumbnail of a file and :attr:`settings.LANGUAGES`. Example:: >>> init_ctx('BiosOs','BI-0044','1.4.3') {'THUMBNAILS_URL': '/media/thumbnails', 'object_reference': 'BI-0044', 'object_revision': '1.4.3', 'object_type': 'BiosOs'} :param init_type_: type of the object :type init_type_: str :param init_reference: reference of the object :type init_reference: str :param init_revision: revision of the object :type init_revision: str :return: a dictionnary """ return { 'object_reference': init_reference, 'object_revision': init_revision, 'object_type': init_type_, 'THUMBNAILS_URL' : settings.THUMBNAILS_URL, 'DOCUMENTATION_URL' : settings.DOCUMENTATION_URL, 'can_generate_pdf' : can_generate_pdf(), 'openPLM_version' : _version, 'site' : Site.objects.get_current(), } ########################################################################################## ### Manage html code for Search and Results function and other global parameters ### ##########################################################################################
[docs]def update_navigation_history(request, obj, type_, reference, revision): old_history = request.session.get("navigation_history", []) links = tuple(obj.menu_items) + ("navigate",) value = (obj.plmobject_url, type_, reference, revision, links) history = list(old_history) if value in history: # move value at the end history.remove(value) history.append(value) if len(history) > 7: history = history[-7:] if old_history != history: request.session["navigation_history"] = history return True return False
_SEARCH_ID = "search_id_%s"
[docs]def get_generic_data(request, type_='-', reference='-', revision='-', search=True, load_all=False): """ Get a request and return a controller, a context dictionnary with elements common to all pages (search form, search data, search results, ...) and another dictionnary to update the request.session dictionnary. :param request: :class:`django.http.QueryDict` :param type_: :attr:`.PLMObject.type` :type type_: str :param reference: :attr:`.PLMObject.reference` :type reference: str :param revision: :attr:`.PLMObject.revision` :type revision: str :return: a :class:`.PLMObjectController` or a :class:`.UserController` :return: ctx :type ctx: dic :return: request.session :type request.session: dic """ ctx = init_ctx(type_, reference, revision) # This case happens when we create an object (and therefore can't get a controller) save_session = False profile = request.user.profile restricted = profile.restricted if type_ == reference == revision == '-': obj = request.user obj_url = profile.plmobject_url else: obj = get_obj(type_, reference, revision, request.user) obj_url = obj.plmobject_url if not restricted: save_session = update_navigation_history(request, obj, type_, reference, revision) table = request.GET.get("table", "") save_session = save_session or table != "" if table == "1": request.session["as_table"] = True elif table == "0": request.session["as_table"] = False ctx["as_table"] = request.session.get("as_table") if not restricted: # a restricted account can not perform a search # Builds, update and treat Search form search_needed = "results" not in request.session or load_all if request.method == "GET" and "type" in request.GET: search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.GET, auto_id=_SEARCH_ID) request.session["type"] = request.GET["type"] request.session["q"] = request.GET.get("q", "") request.session["search_official"] = request.GET.get("search_official", "") search_needed = True save_session = True elif "type" in request.session: search_form = SimpleSearchForm(request.session, auto_id=_SEARCH_ID) else: request.session['type'] = 'all' search_form = SimpleSearchForm(auto_id=_SEARCH_ID) save_session = True if search and search_needed and search_form.is_valid(): search_query = search_form.cleaned_data["q"] qset = if load_all: qset = qset.load_all() request.session["search_query"] = search_query search_official = ["", "1"][search_form.cleaned_data["search_official"]] request.session["search_official"] = search_official search_count = request.session["search_count"] = qset.count() qset = qset[:30] request.session["results"] = qset save_session = True else: qset = request.session.get("results", []) search_query = request.session.get("search_query", "") search_count = request.session.get("search_count", 0) search_official = request.session.get("search_official", "") ctx.update({ 'results' : qset, 'search_query' : search_query, 'search_count' : search_count, 'search_form' : search_form, 'navigation_history' : request.session.get("navigation_history", []), 'ctype': "Part" if request.session["type"] in ("all", "User") else request.session["type"], }) ctx.update({ 'link_creation' : False, 'attach' : (obj, False), 'obj' : obj, 'obj_url': obj_url, 'restricted' : restricted, 'is_contributor': profile.is_contributor, }) if hasattr(obj, "menu_items"): ctx['object_menu'] = obj.menu_items if hasattr(obj, "check_permission"): ctx["is_owner"] = obj.check_permission("owner", False) if hasattr(obj, "check_readable"): ctx["is_readable"] = readable = obj.check_readable(False) if restricted and not readable: raise Http404 else: ctx["is_readable"] = True # little hack to avoid a KeyError # see from haystack import site for r in request.session.get("results", []): r.searchsite = site if save_session: return obj, ctx
coords_rx = re.compile(r'top:(\d+)px;left:(\d+)px;width:(\d+)px;height:(\d+)px;')
[docs]def get_navigate_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) FilterForm = get_navigate_form(obj) has_session = any(field in request.session for field in FilterForm.base_fields) initial = dict((k, v.initial) for k, v in FilterForm.base_fields.items()) if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST: form = FilterForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): request.session.update(form.cleaned_data) elif has_session: request.session.update(dict(doc_parts = "")) initial.update(request.session) form = FilterForm(initial) else: form = FilterForm(initial) request.session.update(initial) if not form.is_valid(): options = initial else: options = form.cleaned_data if options[OSR]: results = [r.object for r in ctx.get("results", [])] else: results = [] graph = NavigationGraph(obj, results) if options["update"]: options["doc_parts"] = [int(o) for o in options["doc_parts"].split("#") if o.isnumeric()] else: options["doc_parts"] = [] request.session.update(dict(doc_parts = "")) graph.set_options(options) graph.create_edges() map_string, edges = graph.render() width, height = edges["width"], edges["height"] past = graph.time and - graph.time > datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) ctx.update({ 'filter_object_form': form, 'map_areas': map_string, 'img_width' : width, 'img_height' : height, 'navigate_bool': True, 'edges' : edges, 'past' : past, }) return ctx
_creation_views = {}
[docs]def register_creation_view(type_, view): """ Register a creation view for *type_* (a subclass of :class:`.PLMObject`). Most of the applications does not need to call this function which is available for special cases which cannot be handled by :func:`.create_object`. .. note:: You must ensure that the module that calls this function has been imported. For example, you can import it in your :file:`` file. """ _creation_views[type_] = view
[docs]def get_creation_view(type_): """ Returns a registed view for *type_* (a subclass of :class:`.PLMObject`) or None if no views are registered. """ return _creation_views.get(type_)
[docs]def get_id_card_data(doc_ids): """ Get informations to display in the id-cards of all Document which id is in doc_ids :param doc_ids: list of Document ids to treat :return: a dictionary which contains the following data * ``thumbnails`` list of tuple (document,thumbnail) * ``num_files`` list of tuple (document, number of file) """ ctx = { "thumbnails" : {}, "num_files" : {} } if doc_ids: thumbnails = models.DocumentFile.objects.filter(deprecated=False, document__in=doc_ids, thumbnail__isnull=False).exclude(thumbnail="") ctx["thumbnails"].update(thumbnails.values_list("document", "thumbnail")) num_files = dict.fromkeys(doc_ids, 0) for doc_id in models.DocumentFile.objects.filter(deprecated=False, document__in=doc_ids).values_list("document", flat=True): num_files[doc_id] += 1 ctx["num_files"] = num_files return ctx
[docs]def get_pagination(request, object_list, type): """ Returns a dictionary with pagination data. Called in view which returns a template where object id cards are displayed. """ ctx = {} sort = request.GET.get("sort", "children" if type == "topassembly" else "recently-added") ctime = "date_joined" if type == "user" else "ctime" if sort == "name" : sort_critera = "username" if type == "user" else "name" elif type in ("part", "topassembly") and sort == "children": object_list = object_list.with_children_counts() sort_critera = "-num_children,reference,revision" elif type == "part" and sort == "most-used": object_list = object_list.with_parents_counts() sort_critera = "-num_parents,reference,revision" else: sort_critera = "-%s" % ctime object_list = object_list.order_by(*sort_critera.split(",")) paginator = Paginator(object_list, 24) # Show 24 objects per page page = request.GET.get('page', 1) try: objects = except PageNotAnInteger: # If page is not an integer, deliver first page. objects = page = 1 except EmptyPage: # If page is out of range (e.g. 9999), deliver last page of results. objects = ctx["thumbnails"] = {} ctx["num_files"] = {} if type in ("object", "document"): ids = objects.object_list.values_list("id", flat=True) ctx.update(get_id_card_data(ids)) ctx.update({ "objects": objects, "sort": sort, }) return ctx