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Source code for plmapp.views.ajax

#-!- coding:utf-8 -!-

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :

Ajax views.

import time
import datetime
import urlparse

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test
from django.forms import widgets
from json import JSONEncoder
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import PLMObjectController
import openPLM.plmapp.forms as forms
from openPLM.plmapp.views.base import get_obj, get_obj_by_id, get_obj_from_form, \
        json_view, get_navigate_data, secure_required, get_creation_view
from openPLM.plmapp.filters import richtext

from openPLM.plmapp.navigate import TIME_FORMAT

ajax_login_required = user_passes_test(lambda u: (u.is_authenticated()
    and not u.profile.restricted))

[docs]def ajax_creation_form(request): """ Simple view which returns the html of a creation form with the data of :attr:`request.GET` as initial values. The request must contains a get parameter *type* with a valid type, otherwise, a :class:`.HttpResponseForbidden` is returned. """ tf = forms.TypeForm(request.GET) if tf.is_valid(): type_ = tf.cleaned_data["type"] request.session["type"] = type_ cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[type_] view = get_creation_view(cls) if view is not None: return {"reload" : True} initial = dict(request.GET.iteritems()) initial.pop("template", None) if "pfiles" in request.GET: initial["pfiles"] = request.GET.getlist("pfiles") if "reference" in initial: # gets a new reference if the type switches from a part to a document # and vice versa, see ticket #99 ref = initial["reference"] if (ref.startswith("DOC_") and type_ in models.get_all_parts()) or \ (ref.startswith("PART_") and type_ in models.get_all_documents()): del initial["reference"] form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, initial=initial) return {"reload" : False, "form" : form.as_table(), "type" : type_, "form_media":, } else: return HttpResponseForbidden()
@secure_required @ajax_login_required @cache_page(60 * 60)
[docs]def ajax_autocomplete(request, obj_type, field): """ Simple ajax view for JQquery.UI.autocomplete. This returns the possible completions (in JSON format) for *field*. The request must contains a get parameter named *term* which should be the string used to filter the results. *obj_type* must be a valid typename. :param str obj_type: a valid typename (like ``"part"``) :param str field: a valid field (like ``"name"``) """ if not request.GET.get('term'): return HttpResponse(content_type='text/plain') term = request.GET.get('term') limit = 50 try: cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[obj_type] except KeyError: return HttpResponseForbidden() if hasattr(cls, "attributes"): if field not in cls(__fake__=True).attributes: return HttpResponseForbidden() elif cls == models.User: if field not in ("email", "first_name", "last_name"): return HttpResponseForbidden() if getattr(settings, "HIDE_EMAILS", False) and field == "email": return HttpResponseForbidden() if field not in cls._meta.get_all_field_names(): return HttpResponseForbidden() results = cls.objects.filter(**{"%s__icontains" % field : term}) results = results.values_list(field, flat=True).order_by(field).distinct() json = JSONEncoder().encode(list(str(r) for r in results[:limit])) return HttpResponse(json, content_type='application/json')
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_thumbnails(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, date=None): """ Ajax view to get files and thumbnails of a document. :param request: :class:`django.http.QueryDict` :param obj_type: :attr:`.PLMObject.type` :type obj_type: str :param obj_ref: :attr:`.PLMObject.reference` :type obj_ref: str :param obj_revi: :attr:`.PLMObject.revision` :type obj_revi: str """ obj = get_obj(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, request.user) files = [] doc = "|".join((obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi)) if date: d = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(date, TIME_FORMAT)[:6]) fileset = obj.documentfile_set.filter(ctime__lte=d).exclude(end_time__gt=d) else: fileset = obj.files missing_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.STATIC_URL, "img/image-missing.png") for f in fileset: if f.thumbnail: img = f.thumbnail.url else: img = missing_url files.append({ "name": f.filename, "url": "/file/%d/" %, "img": img, "revision" : f.revision, "deleted" : f.deleted, "deprecated" : f.deprecated, }) return dict(files=files, doc=doc)
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_navigate(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): context = get_navigate_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) data = { "width" : context["img_width"], "height" : context["img_height"], "divs" : context["map_areas"], "form" : context["filter_object_form"].as_ul(), "edges" : context["edges"], "add_buttons" : render_to_string("navigate/add_buttons.html", context), "past" : context["past"], } return data
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_add_child(request, part_id): part = get_obj_by_id(part_id, request.user) data = {} if request.GET: form = forms.AddChildForm(part.object, initial=request.GET) else: form = forms.AddChildForm(part.object, request.POST) if form.is_valid(): child = get_obj_from_form(form, request.user) part.add_child(child, form.cleaned_data["quantity"], form.cleaned_data["order"], form.cleaned_data["unit"], **form.extensions) return {"result" : "ok"} else: data["result"] = "error" data["error"] = "invalid form" form.fields["type"].widget = widgets.TextInput() for field in ("type", "reference", "revision"): form.fields[field].widget.attrs['readonly'] = 'on' data.update({ "parent" : { "id" :, "type" : part.type, "reference" : part.reference, "revision" : part.revision, }, "form" : form.as_table() }) return data
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_can_add_child(request, part_id): part = get_obj_by_id(part_id, request.user) data = {"can_add" : False} if part.is_part and request.GET: form = forms.AddPartForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): child = get_obj_from_form(form, request.user) data["can_add"] = part.can_add_child(child) return data
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_attach(request, plmobject_id): plmobject = get_obj_by_id(plmobject_id, request.user) data = {} if request.GET: form = forms.PLMObjectForm(initial=request.GET) else: form = forms.PLMObjectForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): attached = get_obj_from_form(form, request.user) if hasattr(plmobject, "attach_to_document"): plmobject.attach_to_document(attached) elif hasattr(plmobject, "attach_to_part"): plmobject.attach_to_part(attached) return {"result" : "ok"} else: data["result"] = "error" data["error"] = "invalid form" for field in ("type", "reference", "revision"): form.fields[field].widget.attrs['readonly'] = 'on' data.update({ "plmobject" : { "id" :, "type" : plmobject.type, "reference" : plmobject.reference, "revision" : plmobject.revision, }, "form" : form.as_table() }) return data
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_can_attach(request, plmobject_id): plmobject = get_obj_by_id(plmobject_id, request.user) data = {"can_attach" : False} if isinstance(plmobject, PLMObjectController) and request.GET: form = forms.PLMObjectForm(request.GET) if form.is_valid(): attached = get_obj_from_form(form, request.user) if attached.check_readable(False): if hasattr(plmobject, "can_attach_document"): data["can_attach"] = plmobject.can_attach_document(attached) elif hasattr(plmobject, "can_attach_part"): data["can_attach"] = plmobject.can_attach_part(attached) return data
@ajax_login_required @json_view
[docs]def ajax_richtext_preview(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): """ Ajax view to get an HTML preview of a raw content (in richtext syntax). GET paramerer: ``content`` raw content to be rendered This view returns a JSON response with one key, ``html``, the rendered content that can be included in a div element. """ content = request.GET["content"] if obj_type in ("create", "object"): return {"html": richtext(content, None)} obj = get_obj(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, request.user) obj.check_readable() return {"html": richtext(content, obj)}