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Source code for openPLM.apps.calendrier.views

from calendar import HTMLCalendar
from datetime import date, MAXYEAR
from itertools import groupby
# the datetime strftime() methods require year >= 1900
MINYEAR = 1900

from django.utils.dates import WEEKDAYS
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape as esc
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

    from django_ical.views import ICalFeed
    from openPLM.apps.rss.feeds import RssFeed, TimelineRssFeed
except ImportError:

from openPLM.plmapp.views.base import handle_errors, get_generic_data
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import r2r
from openPLM.plmapp.views import display_object_history
from openPLM.plmapp import models

[docs]def parse_date(year, month): """ Parse *year* and *month* (string, integer or None) and returns a tuple of int (*year*, *month*). If *year* is None, the current year is returned. If *month* is None, the current month is returned. :raise: :exc:`.ValueError` if *year* < 1900, *year* > 9999, *month* < 1, *month* > 12 or *month* and *year* can not be converted to an integer or (*year* == 9999 and *month* == 12) """ if year is not None: year = int(year) else: year = if month is not None: month = int(month) else: month = if (year < MINYEAR or year > MAXYEAR or month < 1 or month > 12 or (year == MAXYEAR and month == 12)): raise ValueError("Month or year are out of range") return year, month # inspired by # by Eivind Uggedal
[docs]class HistoryCalendar(HTMLCalendar): def __init__(self, histories): super(HistoryCalendar, self).__init__() self.histories = self.group_by_day(histories)
[docs] def formatday(self, day, weekday): if day != 0: cssclass = self.cssclasses[weekday] if == date(self.year, self.month, day): cssclass += ' today' if day in self.histories: cssclass += ' filled' body = ['<ul>'] for history in self.histories[day]: body.append('<li>') body.append('<a href="%s">' % history.get_redirect_url()), body.append(self.format_hline(history)) body.append('</a></li>') body.append('</ul>') return self.day_cell(cssclass, '<div class="daynumber">%d</div>%s' % (day, ''.join(body))) else: cssclass += ' empty' return self.day_cell(cssclass,'<div class="daynumber">%d</div>' % day) return self.day_cell('noday', '&nbsp;')
[docs] def formatmonth(self, year, month): self.year, self.month = year, month return super(HistoryCalendar, self).formatmonth(year, month).replace('class="month"', 'class="month Content"')
[docs] def formatmonthname(self, *args, **kwargs): return ""
[docs] def formatweekday(self, day): """ Return a weekday name as a table header. """ return '<th class="%s">%s</th>' % (self.cssclasses[day], WEEKDAYS[day].capitalize())
[docs] def formatweekheader(self): """ Return a header for a week as a table row. """ s = ''.join(self.formatweekday(i) for i in self.iterweekdays()) return '<tr><th class="weeknumber"></th>%s</tr>' % s
[docs] def formatweek(self, theweek): """ Return a complete week as a table row. """ first_day = date(self.year, self.month, [d[0] for d in theweek if d[0] != 0][0]) week_number = int(first_day.strftime("%W")) w = '<td class="weeknumber">%d</td>' % week_number s = ''.join(self.formatday(d, wd) for (d, wd) in theweek) return '<tr>%s%s</tr>' % (w, s)
[docs] def group_by_day(self, histories): field = lambda history: return dict( [(day, list(items)) for day, items in groupby(histories, field)] )
[docs] def day_cell(self, cssclass, body): return '<td class="%s">%s</td>' % (cssclass, body)
[docs] def format_hline(self, history): return esc(history.action)
[docs]class RevisionHistoryCalendar(HistoryCalendar):
[docs] def format_hline(self, history): return u'<span class="revision">%s</span>&nbsp;// %s' % (esc(history.plmobject.revision), esc(history.action))
[docs]class TimelineCalendar(HistoryCalendar):
[docs] def group_by_day(self, histories): histories = super(TimelineCalendar, self).group_by_day(histories) # keep one history per day for l in histories.itervalues(): added_plmobjects = set() unique_histories = [] for h in l: if h.plmobject_id not in added_plmobjects: unique_histories.append(h) added_plmobjects.add(h.plmobject_id) l[:] = unique_histories return histories
[docs] def format_hline(self, history): return history.title
[docs]def history_calendar(request, year=None, month=None, obj_type="-", obj_ref="-", obj_revi="-", timeline=False): """ Calendar view. This view displays a history of the selected object and its revisions. :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/history/calendar/[{year}/][{month}/]` :url: :samp:`/user/{username}/history/calendar/[{year}/][{month}/]`` :url: :samp:`/group/{group_name}/history/calendar/[{year}/][{month}/]`` :url: :samp:`/timeline/calendar/[{year}/][{month}/]`` .. include:: ../../modules/views_params.txt **Template:** :file:`calendar.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``calendar`` the HTML calendar ``year`` the given year (or the current year if not given) ``month`` the given month (or the current month if not given) ``current_month``, ``next_month``, ``previous_month`` :class:`` objects representing the current, next and previous months (may be None if the date is 1900/01 or 9999/12). ``ical_installed`` True if django-ical is installed and iCalendar file can be generated ``prefix_url`` a prefix to prepend to the url to go to the next and previous monthes. (can be ``""``, ``"../"`` or ``"../../"``). """ prefix = "" if year is not None: prefix = "../" if month is not None: prefix += "../" year, month = parse_date(year, month) obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) if timeline: hcls = TimelineCalendar histories = models.timeline_histories(request.user, None, None, None, None) ctx['object_type'] = _("Timeline") elif hasattr(obj, "get_all_revisions"): # display history of all revisions histories = obj.histories hcls = RevisionHistoryCalendar else: histories = obj.histories hcls = HistoryCalendar histories = histories.filter(date__year=year, date__month=month).order_by("date") cal = hcls(histories).formatmonth(year, month) current_month = date(year=year, month=month, day=1) if month == 1: if year == MINYEAR: previous_month = None else: previous_month = date(year=year - 1, month=12, day=1) else: previous_month = date(year=year, month=month - 1, day=1) if month == 12: if year == MAXYEAR: next_month = None else: next_month = date(year=year + 1, month=1, day=1) elif month == 11 and year == MAXYEAR: next_month = None else: next_month = date(year=year, month=month + 1, day=1) ctx.update({ 'current_page' : 'history', 'calendar' : mark_safe(cal), 'year' : year, 'month' : month, 'current_month' : current_month, 'next_month' : next_month, 'previous_month' : previous_month, 'prefix_url' : prefix, 'ical_installed' : ICAL_INSTALLED, }) return r2r('calendar.html', ctx, request)
HISTORY_TPL = "history_cal.html"
[docs]def history(request, *args, **kwargs): """A simple view that wraps :func:`.display_object_history` to use the template :file:`history_cal.html`""" kwargs["template"] = HISTORY_TPL return display_object_history(request, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class CalendarFeed(RssFeed, ICalFeed):
[docs] def get_object(self, request, year=None, month=None, obj_type="-", obj_ref="-", obj_revi="-"): year, month = parse_date(year, month) obj = super(CalendarFeed, self).get_object(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) obj.object.h_month = month obj.object.h_year = year return obj
[docs] def items(self, obj): year = obj.h_year month = obj.h_month return obj.histories.filter(date__year=year, date__month=month).order_by("date")
[docs] def item_title(self, item): if hasattr(item.plmobject, 'is_part'): return u"%s // %s // %s - %s" % (item.plmobject.type, item.plmobject.reference, item.plmobject.revision, item.action) elif hasattr(item.plmobject, 'username'): return u"%s %s (%s) - %s" % (item.plmobject.first_name, item.plmobject.last_name, item.plmobject.username, item.action) else: return u"Group %s - %s" % (, item.action)
[docs] def item_start_datetime(self, item): return
[docs] class TimelineCalendarFeed(TimelineRssFeed, ICalFeed):
[docs] def get_object(self, request, year=None, month=None): year, month = parse_date(year, month) obj = request.user obj.h_month = month obj.h_year = year return obj
[docs] def items(self, obj): year = obj.h_year month = obj.h_month return models.timeline_histories(obj, None, None, None, None).filter(date__year=year, date__month=month).order_by("date")
[docs] def item_title(self, item): return strip_tags(item.title)
[docs] def item_start_datetime(self, item): return