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Source code for plmapp.controllers.base

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :


import re
import difflib
import itertools
from functools import wraps
from collections import deque

from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist

import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import PermissionError
from openPLM.plmapp.mail import send_histories_mail

_controller_rx = re.compile(r"(?P<type>\w+)Controller")

[docs]class MetaController(type): """ Metaclass used to register a controller and get a controller associated to a type (see :meth:`get_controller`). See :ref:`how-to-add-a-controller` for more explanations. """ #: dict<type_name(str) : Controller(like :class:`PLMObjectController`)> controllers_dict = {} def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): # sets a __slots__ attributes to reduce memory consumption if name != "Controller" and "__slots__" not in attrs: attrs["__slots__"] = Controller.__slots__ cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if "MANAGED_TYPE" in attrs: managed = attrs["MANAGED_TYPE"].__name__ else: m = _controller_rx.match(name) if m: managed ="type") else: # the controller is not interresting return cls mcs.controllers_dict[managed] = cls return cls @classmethod
[docs] def get_controller(cls, type_name): """ Returns the controller (subclass of :class:`.PLMObjectController`) associated to *type_name* (a string). For example, ``get_controller("Part")`` will return the class :class:`.PartController`. """ if type_name in cls.controllers_dict: return cls.controllers_dict[type_name] else: # get his model and return his parent controller if type_name == "PLMObject": # just a security to prevent an infinite recursion from openPLM.plmapp.controllers.plmobject import PLMObjectController return PLMObjectController else: model = models.get_all_plmobjects()[type_name] parents = [p for p in model.__bases__ if issubclass(p, models.PLMObject)] return cls.get_controller(parents[0].__name__) #: shortcut for :meth:`MetaController.get_controller`
get_controller = MetaController.get_controller
[docs]def permission_required(func=None, role="owner"): """ Decorator for methods of :class:`PLMObjectController` which raises :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`PLMObjectController._user` has not the role *role* """ def decorator(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args[0].check_permission(role) return f(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__doc__ = "Permission required: `%s`\n%s" % (role, wrapper.__doc__) return wrapper if func: return decorator(func) return decorator
[docs]class Controller(object): u""" Object used to manage a :class:`~plmapp.models.PLMObject` and store his modification in a history :attributes: .. attribute:: object The :class:`.PLMObject` managed by the controller .. attribute:: _user :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` who modifies ``object`` :param obj: managed object :type obj: a subinstance of :class:`.PLMObject` :param user: user who modifies *obj* :type user: :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` """ __metaclass__ = MetaController __slots__ = ("object", "_user", "_histo", "_pending_mails", "_mail_blocked", "__permissions", "__histo") HISTORY = models.AbstractHistory def __init__(self, obj, user, block_mails=False, no_index=False): self._mail_blocked = block_mails self._pending_mails = deque() self._user = user # variable to store attribute changes self._histo = "" # cache for permissions (dict(role->bool)) self.__permissions = {} self.object = obj if no_index: obj.no_index = True @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, type, reference, revision, user): raise NotImplemented
def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # we override this method to make it to modify *object* directly # if we modify *object*, we records the modification in **_histo* if hasattr(self, "object") and hasattr(self.object, attr) and \ not attr in type(self).__slots__: obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "object") old_value = getattr(obj, attr) setattr(obj, attr, value) mfield = obj._meta.get_field(attr) field = mfield.verbose_name.capitalize() if old_value != value: if getattr(mfield, "richtext", False): # store a unified diff (shorter than storing both values) message = u"{field}:\n".format(field=field) diff = difflib.unified_diff(old_value.splitlines(), value.splitlines()) # skip the ---/+++ lines message += u"\n".join(itertools.islice(diff, 3, None)) else: message = u"%(field)s : changes from '%(old)s' to '%(new)s'" % \ {"field" : field, "old" : old_value, "new" : value} self._histo += message + "\n" else: super(Controller, self).__setattr__(attr, value) def __getattr__(self, attr): # we override this method to get attributes from *object* directly if attr in type(self).__slots__: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) else: obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "object") return getattr(obj, attr)
[docs] def save(self, with_history=True): u""" Saves :attr:`object` and records its history in the database. If *with_history* is False, the history is not recorded. """ if self._histo and with_history: self._save_histo("Modify", self._histo) self._histo = ""
def _save_histo(self, action, details, blacklist=(), roles=(), users=()): """ Records *action* with details *details* made by :attr:`_user` in on :attr:`object` in the user histories table. """ h = self.HISTORY.objects.create(plmobject=self.object, action=action, details=details, user=self._user) if self._user not in users: blacklist += (,) roles = [models.ROLE_OWNER] + list(roles) self._send_mail(send_histories_mail, self.object, roles, action, [h], self._user, blacklist, users)
[docs] def get_verbose_name(self, attr_name): """ Returns a verbose name for *attr_name*. Example:: >>> ctrl.get_verbose_name("ctime") u'date of creation' """ try: item = self.object._meta.get_field(attr_name).verbose_name except FieldDoesNotExist: item = attr_name return item
[docs] def update_from_form(self, form): u""" Updates :attr:`object` from data of *form* :raises: :exc:`ValueError` if *form* is invalid. :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`_user` is not the owner of :attr:`object`. :raises: :exc:`.PermissionError` if :attr:`object` is not editable. """ self.check_permission("owner") self.check_editable() if form.is_valid(): need_save = False for key, value in form.cleaned_data.iteritems(): if key not in ["reference", "type", "revision"]: setattr(self, key, value) need_save = True if need_save: else: raise ValueError("form is invalid")
[docs] def check_permission(self, role, raise_=True): """ This method checks if :attr:`_user` has permissions implied by *role*. For example, *role* can be *owner* or *notified*. If the check succeeds, **True** is returned. Otherwise, if *raise_* is **True** (the default), a :exc:`.PermissionError` is raised and if *raise_* is **False**, **False** is returned. .. admonition:: Implementation details This method keeps a cache, so that you dont have to worry about multiple calls to this method. """ if role in self.__permissions: ok = self.__permissions[role] else: ok = self.has_permission(role) self.__permissions[role] = ok if not ok and raise_: raise PermissionError("action not allowed for %s" % self._user) return ok
[docs] def clear_permissions_cache(self): self.__permissions.clear()
[docs] def has_permission(self, role): return False
[docs] def check_contributor(self, user=None): """ This method checks if *user* is a contributor. If not, it raises :exc:`.PermissionError`. If *user* is None (the default), :attr:`_user` is used. """ if not user: user = self._user if not user.is_active: raise PermissionError(u"%s's account is inactive" % user) profile = user.profile if not (profile.is_contributor or profile.is_administrator): raise PermissionError(u"%s is not a contributor" % user) if profile.restricted: # should not be possible, but an admin may have done a mistake raise PermissionError(u"%s is not a contributor" % user)
[docs] def check_editable(self): return True
[docs] def block_mails(self): """ Blocks mails sending. Call :meth:`unblock_mails` to send blocked mails. """ self._mail_blocked = True
[docs] def unblock_mails(self): """ Unblock mails sending. This sends all previously blocked mails. """ while self._pending_mails: mail = self._pending_mails.popleft() mail[0](*mail[1:]) self._mail_blocked = False
def _send_mail(self, func, *args): if self._mail_blocked: mail = (func,) + args self._pending_mails.append(mail) else: func(*args) @property
[docs] def histories(self): return self.HISTORY.objects.filter(plmobject=self.object).\ order_by("-date").select_related("user")