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Source code for openPLM.apps.webdav.backends.openplm

openPLM.webdav application
Copyright 2012 LinObject

Mostly inspired by webdav/backends/ from:
    django-webdav is a small WebDAV implementation for Django.
    Copyright 2012 Peter Gebauer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import logging
import tempfile
import datetime
import time
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files import File

from openPLM.apps.webdav.util import format_http_datetime, format_iso8601_datetime
from openPLM.apps.webdav.backends import Backend, BackendItem, PropertySet
from openPLM.apps.webdav.backends import BackendIOException
from openPLM.apps.webdav.backends import BackendResourceNotFoundException

from openPLM.plmapp.models import get_all_documents, Document, DocumentFile, docfs
from openPLM.plmapp.views.base import get_obj

logger = logging.getLogger("webdav")

[docs]def rfc3339_date(date): if not date: return '' if not isinstance(date, date = date = date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-time.timezone) if time.daylight: date += datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.altzone) return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
[docs]def safe_copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, length=16*1024, size=0): """ A version of shutil.copyfileobj that will not read more than 'size' bytes. This makes it safe from clients sending more than CONTENT_LENGTH bytes of data in the body. """ # from django/core/handlers/ if not size: return while size > 0: buf =, size)) if not buf: break fdst.write(buf) size -= len(buf)
[docs]class OpenPLMBackend(Backend): """ Implements a backend to browse/edit documents/files stored by openPLM. """ def __init__(self, user): self.user = user
[docs] def get_doc(self, path): p = path.strip("/").split("/") if len(p) >= 3: try: return get_obj(p[0], p[1], p[2], self.user), p[3:] except: raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) return None, p
[docs] def dav_propfind(self, path, property_list, depth="1"): ret = [] ctrl, p = self.get_doc(path) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() = now files = [ {"size": 4096, "locked" : False, "locker" : None, "filename" : "", "is_dir" : True, "ctime" : now, "mtime" : now,} ] if ctrl is None and depth != "0": if not p or not p[0]: filenames = sorted(get_all_documents().keys()) elif len(p) == 1: if p[0] not in get_all_documents(): raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) qs = Document.objects.filter(type=p[0]).values_list("reference", flat=True) filenames = set(qs) elif len(p) == 2: t, ref = p qs = Document.objects.filter(type=t, reference=ref).values_list("revision", flat=True) filenames = set(qs) if not filenames: # in that case, it is not possible to have an empty folder raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) for name in filenames: files.append({"size": 4096, "locked" : False, "locker" : None, "filename" : name, "is_dir" : True, "ctime" : now, "mtime" : now,}) elif ctrl is not None: ctrl.check_readable(raise_=True) if p: if len(p) != 1: raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) try: df = ctrl.files.get(filename=p[0]) except DocumentFile.DoesNotExist: raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) else: files = [ {"size": df.size, "locked" : df.locked, "locker" :, "filename" : "", "is_dir" : False, "ctime" : now, "mtime" : now,}] elif depth != "0": for f in ctrl.files.values(): f["is_dir"] = False try: st = os.stat(docfs.path(f["file"])) f["ctime"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(st.st_ctime) f["mtime"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(st.st_mtime) except OSError: f["ctime"] = f["mtime"] = now files.append(f) for f in files: props_ok = {} props_not_found = {} for prop in property_list: if prop == "{DAV:}getcontentlength": if not f["is_dir"]: props_ok["{DAV:}getcontentlength"] = f["size"] elif prop == "{DAV:}getlastmodified": props_ok["{DAV:}getlastmodified"] = format_http_datetime(f["mtime"]) elif prop == "{DAV:}creationdate": props_ok["{DAV:}creationdate"] = rfc3339_date(f["ctime"]) elif prop == "{DAV:}resourcetype": if f["is_dir"]: props_ok["{DAV:}resourcetype"] = Element("{DAV:}collection") else: props_ok["{DAV:}resourcetype"] = None elif prop == "{DAV:}checked-in": pass elif prop == "{DAV:}checked-out": pass elif prop == "{}executable": props_ok["{}executable"] = False elif prop == "{DAV:}supportedlock": lockentries = [Element("{DAV:}lockentry"), Element("{DAV:}lockentry")] scope = Element("{DAV:}lockscope") scope.append(Element("{DAV:}exclusive")) lockentries[0].append(scope) type_ = Element("{DAV:}locktype") type_.append(Element("{DAV:}write")) lockentries[0].append(type_) scope = Element("{DAV:}lockscope") scope.append(Element("{DAV:}shared")) lockentries[1].append(scope) type_ = Element("{DAV:}locktype") type_.append(Element("{DAV:}write")) lockentries[1].append(type_) props_ok["{DAV:}supportedlock"] = lockentries elif prop == "{DAV:}displayname": pass elif prop == "{DAV:}ishidden": props_ok[prop] = False elif prop == "{DAV:}getcontenttype": if f["is_dir"]: props_ok[prop] = "httpd/unix-directory" else: logger.debug("unsupported property '%s'"%prop) props_not_found[prop] = None f = BackendItem( f["filename"], f["is_dir"], [PropertySet(props_ok), PropertySet(props_not_found, "404 Not Found")] ) ret.append(f) logger.debug("returned contents of directory '%s'"%p) return ret
[docs] def dav_set_properties(self, path, properties): # TODO: really implement this method # dummy implementation required by the Windows client return []
[docs] def dav_remove_properties(self, path, property_names): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_mkcol(self, path): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_get(self, path): d, p = self.get_doc(path) if len(p) != 1: raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path) d.check_readable() df = d.files.get(filename=p[0], deprecated=False) try: f, size = d.get_content_and_size(df) logger.debug("opened file '%s' for reading"%p) return f except IOError, ioe: raise BackendIOException(ioe)
[docs] def dav_head(self, path): ctrl, p = self.get_doc(path) if ctrl: ctrl.check_readable(raise_=True) if p and not ctrl.files.filter(filename="/".join(p)).exists(): raise BackendResourceNotFoundException(path)
[docs] def dav_delete(self, path, token = None): d, p = self.get_doc(path) df = d.files.get(filename=p[0], deprecated=False) if d: d.delete_file(df) return raise BackendIOException("Can not delete a directory")
[docs] def dav_put(self, path, readable, token = None, estimated_size = 0): d, p = self.get_doc(path) if d and p: if len(p) > 1: raise BackendIOException() tmpdir = settings.FILE_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="r+w", dir=tmpdir) as f: logger.debug("opened file '%s' for writing"%p) data = while data: f.write(data) data = f.flush() f2 = File(open(, "rb"), p[0]) if d.files.filter(filename=p[0]).exists(): d.checkin(d.files.get(filename=p[0]), f2) else: d.add_file(f2) return raise BackendIOException("Can not add a file")
[docs] def dav_copy(self, path1, path2, token = None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_move(self, path1, path2, token1 = None, token2 = None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_lock(self, path, token = None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_unlock(self, path, token, owner = None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def dav_get_lock(self, path): raise NotImplementedError()