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Source code for openPLM.apps.document3D.models

import os.path
import logging
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
import json

from djcelery_transactions import task
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.contrib import admin
from django.db.models import Q
from django.core.files import File

from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import get_controller, PartController
from openPLM.plmapp.files.formats import is_cad_file
from openPLM.apps.document3D import classes
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import DocumentController
import openPLM.plmapp.models as pmodels
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import ControllerError

#./ graph_models document3D >   dot -Tpng > models.png

[docs]class Document3D(pmodels.Document): u""" Model which allows to treat :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp** attached to :class:`.DocumentFile` for his later **visualization** and **decomposition**. It extends :class:`.Document` with the attribute/tab 3D .. attribute:: PartDecompose If the :class:`.Document3D` has been *decomposed*, :class:`.Part` from which we generate the **decomposition** """ PartDecompose = models.ForeignKey(pmodels.Part,null=True) @property
[docs] def menu_items(self): """ Add Tab 3D """ items = list(super(Document3D, self).menu_items) items.extend(["3D"]) return items
[docs] def get_content_and_size(self, doc_file): """ :param doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` which contains the :class:`~django.core.files.File` :type plmobject: :class:`.DocumentFile` Returns the :class:`~django.core.files.File` related to the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) and his *size* If the :class:`~django.core.files.File` contains in the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) is a **.stp** and was *decomposed* , this function calls a subprocess( :meth:`.composer` ) to rebuild the .stp :class:`~django.core.files.File` """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename) if fileExtension.upper() in ('.STP', '.STEP') and not doc_file.deprecated: tempfile_size = self.recompose_step_file(doc_file) if tempfile_size: return tempfile_size[0] ,tempfile_size[1] #temp_file , size return super(Document3D, self).get_content_and_size(doc_file)
def recompose_step_file(self, doc_file): product = Document3DController(self, None).get_product(doc_file, True) if product and product.is_decomposed: temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) temp_file.write(json.dumps(product.to_list())) dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) composer = os.path.join(dirname, "") if["python", composer,]) == 0: size = os.path.getsize( return temp_file, size else: raise RuntimeError("Could not recompose step file") return False @property @classmethod def get_creation_score(cls, files): if any(is_cad_file(f.filename) for f in files): return 50 return super(Document3D, cls).get_creation_score(files) @task(name="openPLM.apps.document3D.handle_step_file", soft_time_limit=60*25,time_limit=60*25)
[docs]def handle_step_file(doc_file_pk): """ :param doc_file_pk: primery key of a :class:`.DocumentFile` that will be treated Method called by :meth:`.DocumentController.handle_added_file` when a STEP file is added to a Document3D. It calls a subprocess (:meth:`.generateGeometrys_Arborescense` ) that generates a file **.arb** and one or more files **.geo** (these files are necessary for the visualization 3D and the decomposition of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp** ), later these files will be attached to an :class:`.ArbreFile` and one or more :class:`.GeometryFile` and these classes with the :class:`.DocumentFile` determined by **doc_file_pk** """ logging.getLogger("GarbageCollector").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger = handle_step_file.get_logger() doc_file = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.get(pk=doc_file_pk) temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() error_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() stdout = temp_file.fileno() name = "%s.png" % (doc_file_pk) thumbnail_path = pmodels.thumbnailfs.path(name) try: dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)["python", os.path.join(dirname, ""), doc_file.file.path, str(, settings.MEDIA_ROOT+"3D/", thumbnail_path], stdout=stdout, stderr=error_file.fileno()) if status == 0: """ The subprocess is going to return a temporary file with the names of the files *.geo* and *.arb* generated. In the moment of his generation these files are not associated the documentFile """ delete_ArbreFile(doc_file) #In case of an update, to erase the previous elements delete_GeometryFiles(doc_file) generate_relations_BD(doc_file,temp_file)# We associate the files generated to classes and the classes to the documentFile if os.path.exists(thumbnail_path): doc_file.no_index = True doc_file.thumbnail = os.path.basename(thumbnail_path)"thumbnail",)) else: if status == -1: #MultiRootError SEND MAIL? raise ValueError("OpenPLM does not support files STEP with multiple roots") elif status == -2: #OCCReadingStepError SEND MAIL? raise ValueError("PythonOCC could not read the file") else: #Indeterminate error SEND MAIL? raise ValueError("Error during the treatment of the file STEP") finally: temp_file.close() error_file.close()
[docs]def generate_relations_BD(doc_file,temp_file): """ Function used when we add a new :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp** in a :class:`.Document3D` This function associates a series of files with classes :class:`.ArbreFile` and :class:`.GeometryFile` and this classes to a :class:`.DocumentFile`. The files were generated before the call to this function, their paths are known thanks to the information supplied in the temporary file(Every line of this file represents a file, the beginning of every line indicates the type of file) :param doc_file: object which will be updated :type plmobject: :class:`.DocumentFile` :param temp_file: :class:`.tempfile` that contains the path of the generated **.geo** and **.arb** files :type plmobject: :class:`.tempfile` """ stdout = temp_file.fileno() os.lseek(stdout, 0, 0) arb = None decomposable = False for line in temp_file.readlines(): line=line.rstrip("\n") if line.startswith("GEO:"): path, index = line.lstrip("GEO:").split(" , ") GeometryFile.objects.create(stp=doc_file, file=path, index=index) if line.startswith("ARB:"): arb = line.lstrip("ARB:") if line.startswith("Decomposable:"): decomposable = line.lstrip("Decomposable:").startswith("true") if arb: ArbreFile.objects.create(file=arb, stp=doc_file, decomposable=decomposable)
is_stp=Q(filename__iendswith=".stp") | Q(filename__iendswith=".step")#.stp , .STP , .step , .STEP is_stl=Q(filename__iendswith=".stl") #.stl, .STL is_catia=Q(filename__iendswith=".catpart") | Q(filename__iendswith=".catproduct")
[docs]class Document3DController(DocumentController): """ A :class:`DocumentController` which manages :class:`.Document3D` It provides methods to deprecate and to manage (**visualization3D** and **decomposition**)files STEP. """ __slots__ = DocumentController.__slots__ + ("_stps",) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Document3DController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stps = None
[docs] def handle_added_file(self, doc_file): """ If a :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp is set like the file of a :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) added to a :class:`.Document3D` , a special treatment (:meth:`.handle_step_file`) is begun (Only one file STEP allowed for each :class:`.Document3D` ) """ fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename) if fileExtension.upper() in ('.STP', '.STEP'): if self.object.files.filter(is_stp).exclude( self.delete_file(doc_file) raise ValueError("Only one step documentfile allowed for each document3D") handle_step_file.delay(
def revise(self, new_revision, selected_parts=(), **kwargs): rev = super(Document3DController, self).revise(new_revision, selected_parts, **kwargs) STP_file = self.object.files.filter(is_stp) if STP_file.exists(): new_STP_file = rev.object.files.get(is_stp) if self.object.PartDecompose and self.object.PartDecompose in selected_parts: rev.object.PartDecompose=self.object.PartDecompose product=self.get_product(STP_file[0], False) copy_geometry(product,new_STP_file) product.set_new_root(,new_STP_file.file.path,for_child=False) ArbreFile.create_from_product(product,new_STP_file) elif self.object.PartDecompose: #and not self.object.PartDecompose in selected_parts product=self.get_product(STP_file[0], True) tempfile_size = self.recompose_step_file(STP_file[0]) if tempfile_size: filename = new_STP_file.filename path = pmodels.docfs.get_available_name(filename.encode("utf-8")) shutil.copy(tempfile_size[0].name, pmodels.docfs.path(path)) new_doc = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.create(file=path, filename=filename, size=tempfile_size[1], document=rev.object) new_doc.thumbnail = new_STP_file.thumbnail if new_STP_file.thumbnail: ext = os.path.splitext(new_STP_file.thumbnail.path)[1] thumb = "%d%s" %(, ext) dirname = os.path.dirname(new_STP_file.thumbnail.path) thumb_path = os.path.join(dirname, thumb) shutil.copy(new_STP_file.thumbnail.path, thumb_path) new_doc.thumbnail = os.path.basename(thumb_path) new_doc.locked = False = None new_STP_file.delete() new_STP_file=new_doc copy_geometry(product, new_STP_file) product.set_new_root(, new_STP_file.file.path, for_child=True) ArbreFile.create_from_product(product, new_STP_file) else: product=self.get_product(STP_file[0], False) copy_geometry(product,new_STP_file) product.set_new_root(,new_STP_file.file.path,for_child=False) ArbreFile.create_from_product(product,new_STP_file) return rev
[docs] def delete_file(self, doc_file): """ We erase also the classes :class:`.GeometryFile` and :class:`.ArbreFile` associated with the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) """ super(Document3DController, self).delete_file(doc_file) fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename) if fileExtension.upper() in ('.STP', '.STEP'): delete_GeometryFiles(doc_file) delete_ArbreFile(doc_file)
[docs] def deprecate_file(self, doc_file,by_decomposition=False): """ A file can be depreciated for diverse motives, (when a file STEP is decomposed, when exists a native file associate to one file STEP and we realize a brute check-out of the STEP , the native will be deprecated , ...) :param doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` which will be deprecated """ self.check_permission("owner") self.check_editable() delete_GeometryFiles(doc_file) delete_ArbreFile(doc_file) doc_file.deprecated=True if by_decomposition: self._save_histo("File deprecated for decomposition", "file : %s" % doc_file.filename) else: self._save_histo("File deprecated", "file : %s" % doc_file.filename)
def get_all_geometry_files(self, doc_file): if self.PartDecompose is not None: pctrl = PartController(self.PartDecompose, self._user) if self._stps is None: children_ids = [ for c in pctrl.get_children(-1, related=("child__id"), only=("child__id", "parent__id",))] if children_ids: docs ="Document3D", part__in=children_ids).values_list("document", flat=True) dfs = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.filter(document__in=docs, deprecated=False)\ .filter(is_stp).values_list("id", flat=True) self._stps = dfs else: self._stps = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.none().values_list("id", flat=True) q = Q(stp=doc_file) stps = list(self._stps) if stps: q |= Q(stp__in=stps) gfs = GeometryFile.objects.filter(q) else: gfs = GeometryFile.objects.filter(stp=doc_file) return gfs.values_list("file", flat=True)
[docs] def get_product(self, doc_file, recursive=False): """ Returns the :class:`.Product` associated to *doc_file*. If *recursive* is True, it returns a complet product, built by browsing the BOM of the attached part, if it has been decomposed. """ try: af = ArbreFile.objects.get(stp=doc_file) except: return None product = classes.Product.from_list(json.loads( if recursive and product: if self.PartDecompose is not None: # Here be dragons # this code try to reduce the number of database queries: # h queries (h: height of the BOM) to get children # + 1 query to doc-part links # + 1 query to get STP files # + 1 query to get location links # + 1 query to get ArbreFile pctrl = PartController(self.PartDecompose, self._user) children = pctrl.get_children(-1, related=("child__id"), only=("child__id", "parent__id",)) if not children: return product links, children_ids = zip(*[(, for c in children]) docs = [] part_to_docs = defaultdict(list) for doc, part in pmodels.DocumentPartLink.current_objects.filter(document__type="Document3D", part__in=children_ids).values_list("document", "part").order_by("-ctime"): # order by -ctime to test the most recently attached document first part_to_docs[part].append(doc) docs.append(doc) if not docs: return product dfs = dict(pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.filter(document__in=docs, deprecated=False)\ .filter(is_stp).values_list("document", "id")) # cache this values as it may be useful for get_all_geometry_files self._stps = dfs.values() locs = defaultdict(list) for l in Location_link.objects.filter(link__in=links): locs[l.link_id].append(l) # read all jsons files jsons = {} for af in ArbreFile.objects.filter(stp__in=dfs.values()): jsons[af.stp_id] = json.loads( # browse the BOM and build product previous_level = 0 products = [product] for level, link in children: if level <= previous_level: del products[level:] stp = None for doc in part_to_docs[link.child_id]: if doc in dfs: stp = dfs[doc] break if stp is not None and stp in jsons: pr = products[-1] prod = classes.Product.from_list(jsons[stp], product=False, product_root=product, deep=level, to_update_product_root=pr) for location in locs[]: pr.links[-1].add_occurrence(, location) products.append(prod) previous_level = level return product
media3DGeometryFile = pmodels.DocumentStorage(location=settings.MEDIA_ROOT+"3D/")
[docs]class GeometryFile(models.Model): u""" Link between :class:`.DocumentFile` that contains a :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp** present in a :class:`.Document3D` and a file **.geo** that represents his geometry A :class:`.DocumentFile` can have zero or many :class:`.GeometryFile` associated , to identify the different :class:`.GeometryFile` attached to one :class:`.DocumentFile` we use the attribute index. (**index** should be **>=1**) The information contained in the file **.geo** will allow to generate the 3D view of the :class:`.DocumentFile` .. attribute:: stp :class:`.DocumentFile` of relation .. attribute:: file file **.geo** .. attribute:: index to identify the different :class:`.GeometryFile` attached to one :class:`.DocumentFile` (>=1) """ file = models.FileField(upload_to='.',storage=media3DGeometryFile) stp = models.ForeignKey(pmodels.DocumentFile) index = models.IntegerField() def __unicode__(self): return u"GeometryFile<%d:%s, %d>" % (, self.stp.filename, self.index)
[docs]def delete_GeometryFiles(doc_file): """ Physically deletes (*.geo* files) and logically deletes :class:`.GeometryFiles` associated to *doc_file* :param doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ to_delete = GeometryFile.objects.filter(stp=doc_file) files = to_delete.values_list("file", flat=True) delete_files(files, media3DGeometryFile.location) to_delete.delete()
media3DArbreFile = pmodels.DocumentStorage(location=settings.MEDIA_ROOT+"3D/")
[docs]class ArbreFile(models.Model): u""" Link between :class:`.DocumentFile` that contains a :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.stp** present in a :class:`.Document3D` and a file **.arb** that represents his arborescense A :class:`.DocumentFile` STEP have one :class:`.ArbreFile` associated The information contained in the file **.arb** will allow to generate the 3D view and the decomposition of the :class:`.DocumentFile` .. attribute:: stp :class:`.DocumentFile` of relation .. attribute:: file :class:`~django.core.files.File` **.arb** .. attribute:: decomposable this attribute indicates if the :class:`.DocumentFile` can be decompose """ file = models.FileField(upload_to='.',storage=media3DArbreFile) stp = models.ForeignKey(pmodels.DocumentFile) decomposable = models.BooleanField() @classmethod
[docs] def create_from_product(cls, product, doc_file): """ Creates a new ArbreFile from product. Its content is seririalized to a new *..arb* file. Returns the created ArbreFile. """ data=product.to_list() filename, ext = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename) arbre_file = ArbreFile(decomposable=product.is_decomposable) arbre_file.stp = doc_file name =".arb") path = os.path.join(, name) arbre_file.file = name directory = os.path.dirname(path.encode()) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) output = open(path.encode(),"w") output.write(json.dumps(data)) output.close() return arbre_file
[docs]def delete_ArbreFile(doc_file): """ Erase physical (file **.arb**) and logically the :class:`.ArbreFile` associated with a :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) :param doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` """ to_delete = ArbreFile.objects.filter(stp=doc_file) files = to_delete.values_list("file", flat=True) delete_files(files, media3DArbreFile.location) to_delete.delete()
def delete_files(files, location=""): for name in files: filename = os.path.join(location, name) if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) class Document3D_decomposer_Error(ControllerError): def __unicode__(self): return u"Error while the file step was split" class Document_Generate_Bom_Error(ControllerError): def __init__(self, to_delete=None,assembly=None): self.to_delete=to_delete# DocumentFiles generated self.assembly=assembly def __unicode__(self): return u"Columns reference, type, revision are not unique between the products of the assembly "+self.assembly #meter referencia pmodels.register_PCLE(Location_link) @task(name="openPLM.apps.document3D.decomposer_all", soft_time_limit=60*25,time_limit=60*25)
[docs]def decomposer_all(stp_file_pk,arbre,part_pk,native_related_pk,user_pk,old_arbre): """ :param arbre: Information contained in file **.arb** that allows to generate a :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp to decompose , his nodes contains doc_id and doc_path of new :class:`.DocumentFile` created in the arborescense :type plmobject: :class:`.Product` :param stp_file_pk: primery key of a :class:`.DocumentFile` that contains the :class:`~django.core.files.File` that will be decomposed :param part_pk: primery key of a :class:`.Part` attached to the :class:`.Document3D` that contains the :class:`.DocumentFile` that will be decomposed :param native_related_pk: If exists a native file related to the :class:`.DocumentFile` that will be decomposed , contains the primary key of the :class:`.DocumentFile` related to the native file This function departs from a :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**) associated with a :class:`.Document3D` attached to a :class:`.Part` (``part_pk``) and from the :class:`.Product` related to the :class:`.DocumentFile` in order to decompose :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp.With this purpose it realizes a call to the subprocess :meth:``. -**Preconditions** ,before calling to this function, the following steps must have been realized: -The bom-child of Parts (in relation to the :class:`.Product` (generate across the **arbre**)) has been generated -For every :class:`.ParentChildLink` generated in the previous condition we attach all the :class:`.Location_link` relatives -To every generated :class:`.Part` a :class:`.Document3D` has been attached and the :class:`.Document3D` has been set like the attribute PartDecompose of the :class:`.Part` -The attribute doc_id of every node of the :class:`.Product` (generate across the **arbre**) is now the relative id of :class:`.Document3D` generated in the previous condition -To every generated :class:`.Document3D` has been added a new empty(locked) :class:`.DocumentFile` .stp -The attribute doc_path of every node of the :class:`.Product` is now the path of :class:`.DocumentFile` generated in the previous condition -The :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**) is locked -If exists a native :class:`.DocumentFile` (**native_related_pk**) related to the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**), then this one was depreciated (afterwards will be promoted) -**Treatment** -The subprocess :meth:`` is going to write in to doc_path of every node of the :class:`.Product` (generate across the **arbre**) the corresponding decomposed file -**Postconditions** -For every generated :class:`.Document3D` , the new :class:`.DocumentFile` added is unlocked -For every new :class:`.DocumentFile` , his :class:`.GeometryFile` and :class:`.ArbreFile` have been generated -The root :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**) has been deprecated and unlocked -A new root :class:`.DocumentFile` has been generated according to the situation -If exists a native :class:`.DocumentFile` (**native_related_pk**) related to the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**), then this one was promoted -We set the :class:`.Part` (**part_pk**) like the attribute PartDecompose of the :class:`.Document3D` that contains the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file_pk**) """ try: stp_file = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.get(pk=stp_file_pk) ctrl=get_controller(stp_file.document.type) user=pmodels.User.objects.get(pk=user_pk) ctrl=ctrl(stp_file.document,user) part=pmodels.Part.objects.get(pk=part_pk) product=classes.Product.from_list(json.loads(arbre)) #whit doc_id and doc_path updated for every node old_product=classes.Product.from_list(json.loads(old_arbre)) # doc_id and doc_path original new_stp_file=pmodels.DocumentFile() name =".stp").encode("utf-8")) new_stp_path = os.path.join(, name) f = File(open(new_stp_path, 'w')) f.close() product.doc_path=new_stp_path # the old documentfile will be deprecated # the old documentfile will be deprecated temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) temp_file.write(json.dumps(product.to_list())) dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) if["python", os.path.join(dirname, ""), stp_file.file.path,]) == 0: update_child_files_BD(product,user,old_product) update_root_BD(new_stp_file,stp_file,ctrl,product,f,name,part) else: raise Document3D_decomposer_Error except: raise Document3D_decomposer_Error finally: if native_related_pk is not None: native_related = pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.get(pk=native_related_pk) native_related.deprecated=False stp_file.locked = False = None
[docs]def update_root_BD(new_stp_file,stp_file,ctrl,product,file,name,part): """ :param stp_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` that was decomposed (will be deprecated) :param new_stp_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` that will replace the :class:`.DocumentFile` that was decomposed :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`.DocumentFile` that was decomposed :param part: :class:`.Part` attached to the :class:`.Document3D` that contains the :class:`.DocumentFile` that was decomposed :param ctrl: :class:`.Document3DController` that contains the :class:`.DocumentFile` that was decomposed :param file: :class:`~django.core.files.File` that contains the new file .stp root :param name: name for the :class:`.DocumentFile` (new_stp_file) :type plmobject: :class:`.Product` Updates a :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file**) that was used like root in a decomposition , deprecating it and replacing by a new :class:`.DocumentFile` (**new_stp_file**) This update consists in: Connect the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**new_stp_file**) to the :class:`.Document3D` (**ctrl.object**) Generate a new :class:`.ArbreFile` for the **new_stp_file** (**product**.doc_id and **product**.doc_path related to the **new_stp_file**) Fix the attribute PartDecompose of the :class:`.Document3D` (**ctrl**.object) to the :class:`.Part` (**part**) Deprecate the :class:`.DocumentFile` (**stp_file**) """ doc3D=Document3D.objects.get(id=stp_file.document_id) doc3D.PartDecompose=part".stp".encode("utf-8") new_stp_file.file=name new_stp_file.size=file.size new_stp_file.document=ctrl.object os.chmod(new_stp_file.file.path, 0400) ctrl._save_histo("File generated by decomposition", "file : %s" % new_stp_file.filename) product.links=[] product.doc_path=new_stp_file.file.path ArbreFile.create_from_product(product,new_stp_file) ctrl.deprecate_file(stp_file,by_decomposition=True)
[docs]def update_child_files_BD(product,user,old_product): """ :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents a sub-arborescense of the file **.stp** that was decomposed UPDATE whit the news doc_id and doc_path generating in the bomb-child :param old_product: :class:`.Product` that represents a sub-arborescense ORIGINAL of the file **.stp** that was decomposed Updates a :class:`.DocumentFile` STEP that WAS NOT root in a decomposition, to know which :class:`.DocumentFile` to update we use the attribute **product**.doc_id of the arborescense(**product**) This update consists in: Generate a new :class:`.ArbreFile` for each :class:`.DocumentFile` STEP present in the arborescense(**product**) Generate news :class:`.GeometryFile` for the :class:`.DocumentFile` STEP (Copies of the GeometryFiles of the root :class:`.DocumentFile` (Identified for **old_product**.doc_id)) """ for link, old_link in zip(product.links,old_product.links): if not link.product.visited: link.product.visited=True product_copy=copy.copy(link.product) old_product_copy=copy.copy(old_link.product) product_copy.links=[] #when we decompose we delete the links old_product_copy.links=[] doc_file=pmodels.DocumentFile.objects.get(id=product_copy.doc_id)".stp".encode("utf-8") doc_file.no_index=False doc_file.size=os.path.getsize(doc_file.file.path) doc_file.locked = False = None os.chmod(doc_file.file.path, 0400) copy_geometry(old_product_copy,doc_file) #we utilise old_product ArbreFile.create_from_product(product_copy,doc_file) doc_file.document.no_index=False # to reverse no_index=True make in document3D.views.generate_part_doc_links ctrl=get_controller(doc_file.document.type) ctrl=ctrl(doc_file.document,user,True) ctrl._save_histo("File generated by decomposition", "file : %s" % doc_file.filename) update_child_files_BD(link.product,user,old_link.product)
[docs]def copy_geometry(product, doc_file): """ :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents a sub-arborescense original of the file step that was decompose :param doc_file: :class:`.DocumentFile` for which the files **.geo** that generated Copy the content of all :class:`.GeometryFile` (determined by his index(**product**.geometry)) present in the :class:`.Product` (**product**) and his childrens for a :class:`.DocumentFile` (**doc_file**) generating and connecting news entitys :class:`.GeometryFile` To differentiate the content of a file **.geo** we use the combination index (determined by **product**.geometry) more id (**product**.doc_id) """ if product.geometry: product.visited = True old_GeometryFile = GeometryFile.objects.get(stp__id=product.doc_id, index=product.geometry) new_GeometryFile = GeometryFile() fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename) new_GeometryFile.file =".geo") new_GeometryFile.stp = doc_file new_GeometryFile.index = product.geometry with open(old_GeometryFile.file.path, "r") as infile: with open(new_GeometryFile.file.path, "w") as outfile: old_var = "_%s_%s" % (product.geometry, product.doc_id) new_var = "_%s_%s" % (product.geometry, for line in infile.readlines(): new_line = line.replace(old_var, new_var) outfile.write(new_line) for link in product.links: if not link.product.visited: copy_geometry(link.product, doc_file)