
Previous versions


Source code for openPLM.apps.document3D.generateComposition

import gc
import sys
import json
import os
import re

# set to True to enable the dummy composer which consumes less memory
# and should be faster
# Currently it generates invalid STEP file, so you should not use it
# unless you want to fix it


    from part21_preparse import readStepFile, parse_entities
    os.environ["MMGT_OPT"] = "0"

    from OCC.TDF import TDF_LabelSequence
    from OCC.XSControl import XSControl_WorkSession
    from OCC.STEPControl import STEPControl_AsIs
    from OCC.STEPCAFControl import STEPCAFControl_Writer
    from OCC.TopLoc import TopLoc_Location
    from import gp_Trsf
    from STP_converter_WebGL import set_label_name

    from OCC.STEPCAFControl import STEPCAFControl_Reader
    from OCC import XCAFApp, TDocStd , XCAFDoc
    from OCC.TCollection import TCollection_ExtendedString

from classes import Product

class StepImporter(object):
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        self.h_doc = TDocStd.Handle_TDocStd_Document() = XCAFApp.GetApplication().GetObject()"MDTV-XCAF"), self.h_doc)

        self.STEPReader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
        if not self.STEPReader.ReadFile(file_path.encode("utf-8")):
            raise Exception("OpenCascade could not read STEP file")
        self.doc = self.h_doc.GetObject()
        self.h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
        self.h_colors_tool = XCAFDoc.XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
        self.shape_tool = self.h_shape_tool.GetObject()
        self.color_tool = self.h_colors_tool.GetObject()
        self.shapes = TDF_LabelSequence()
        roots = TDF_LabelSequence()
        ws = self.STEPReader.Reader().WS().GetObject()
        model = ws.Model().GetObject()
        for i in range(1, 8):

    def __del__(self):
        del self.h_doc,

[docs]def composer(temp_file_name): """ :param temp_file_name: path of a :class:`.tempfile` **.arb** that contains the information to generate a :class:`.Product` relative to the arborescense of a **.stp** file For every node of the :class:`.Product` the attribute **doc_file_path** indicates where is store the file **.stp** that represents the node """ output = open(temp_file_name.encode(),"r") product = Product.from_list(json.loads( output.close() output = open(temp_file_name.encode(),"w+")# erase old data output.close() WS = XSControl_WorkSession() my_step_importer = StepImporter(product.doc_path) st = my_step_importer.shape_tool lr = TDF_LabelSequence() st.GetFreeShapes(lr) add_labels(product, lr.Value(1), st) writer = STEPCAFControl_Writer(WS.GetHandle(), False) for i in range(lr.Length()): writer.Transfer(lr.Value(i+1), STEPControl_AsIs) writer.Write(temp_file_name)
def add_labels(product,lr,st): if product.links: for link in product.links: if link.product.doc_id != product.doc_id: if not link.product.label_reference: lr_2 = TDF_LabelSequence() si = StepImporter(link.product.doc_path) shape_tool = si.shape_tool shape_tool.GetFreeShapes(lr_2) add_labels(link.product, lr_2.Value(1), shape_tool) link.product.label_reference = lr_2.Value(1) # FIXME: free memory del si gc.collect() for d in range(link.quantity): transformation = gp_Trsf() loc = link.locations[d] transformation.SetValues(loc.x1, loc.x2, loc.x3, loc.x4, loc.y1, loc.y2, loc.y3, loc.y4, loc.z1, loc.z2, loc.z3, loc.z4, 1, 1) new_label = st.AddComponent(lr, link.product.label_reference, TopLoc_Location(transformation)) set_label_name(new_label, link.names[d]) class Composer(object): def __init__(self, product, output): self.product = product self.output = output self.item_count = 0 self.max_id = 0 self.added_files = set() self.occurences = [] self.line_completed = True self.line_skipped = False def compose(self): self.init_step_file() self.add_step_file(self.product) self.add_occurences(self.product) self.write_occurences() self.close_step_file() def init_step_file(self): self.output.write("""ISO-10303-21; HEADER; FILE_DESCRIPTION(('Open CASCADE Model'),'2;1'); FILE_NAME('Open CASCADE Shape Model','2013-06-03T13:14:01',('Author'),( 'Open CASCADE'),'Open CASCADE STEP processor 6.3','Open CASCADE 6.3' ,'Unknown'); FILE_SCHEMA(('AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN_CC2 { 1 2 10303 214 -1 1 5 4 }')); ENDSEC; DATA; """) def close_step_file(self): self.output.write("ENDSEC;\nEND-ISO-10303-21;") def increment_ids(self, line): def inc(m): val = int( return "#%d" % (val + self.item_count) new_line = re.sub(r"\#(\d+)", inc, line) return new_line def add_step_file(self, product): path = product.doc_path if path in self.added_files: return step = readStepFile(path) max_id = max(step["insttype"].keys()) for iname, content in step["contents"].iteritems(): type_ = step["insttype"][iname] if product != self.product and type_.startswith("APPLICATION"): # there are certainly more lines to skip continue iname2 = iname + self.item_count if type_ == "complex_type": line = "#%d=(%s)\n" % (iname2, self.increment_ids(content)) else: line = "#%d=%s(%s)\n" % (iname2, type_, self.increment_ids(content)) self.output.write(line) if 'NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE' in step['typeinst']: # find the root of an assembly parents = set() children = set() for n in step['typeinst']['NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE']: parent, child = [x.strip(" \n\r#'") for x in step['contents'][n].split(',')[3:5]] parents.add(int(parent)) children.add(int(child)) roots = parents / children if len(roots) > 1: raise ValueError("Too many roots in %s" % path) root = roots.pop() else: # a single product root = step['typeinst']['PRODUCT_DEFINITION'][0] product.label_reference = self.item_count + root del step gc.collect() self.item_count += max_id self.added_files.add(path) def add_occurences(self, product): if product.links: for link in product.links: if link.product.doc_id!= product.doc_id: if not link.product.label_reference: self.add_step_file(link.product) self.add_occurences(link.product) for d in range(link.quantity): self.occurences.append((product.label_reference, link.product.label_reference, link.names[d], link.locations[d])) def write_occurences(self): for ref1, ref2, name, loc in self.occurences: self.item_count += 1 e1 = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 e2 = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 e3 = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 e4 = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 e5 = self.item_count self.item_count += 1 e6 = self.item_count self.output.write("""#{e1} = CONTEXT_DEPENDENT_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION(#{e2},#{e4}); #{e2} = ( REPRESENTATION_RELATIONSHIP('','',#33,#10) REPRESENTATION_RELATIONSHIP_WITH_TRANSFORMATION(#{e3}) SHAPE_REPRESENTATION_RELATIONSHIP() ); #{e3} = ITEM_DEFINED_TRANSFORMATION('','',#11,#15); #{e4} = PRODUCT_DEFINITION_SHAPE('Placement','Placement of an item',#{e5} ); #{e6} = NEXT_ASSEMBLY_USAGE_OCCURRENCE('1','{name}','',#{ref1},#{ref2},$); """.format(**locals())) # TODO: add locations and replaces #33, #10, #11, #15 entities def dummy_compose(temp_file_name): output = open(temp_file_name.encode(),"r") product = Product.from_list(json.loads( output.close() output = open(temp_file_name.encode(),"w+")# erase old data output.close() with open(temp_file_name, "w") as output: c = Composer(product, output) c.compose() if __name__ == "__main__": if DUMMY_COMPOSER: dummy_compose(sys.argv[1]) else: composer(sys.argv[1])