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Source code for openPLM.apps.document3D.generate3D

import sys
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import logging
import json

from classes import get_available_name
from STP_converter_WebGL import StepImporter, MultiRootError, OCCReadingStepError
from pov import create_thumbnail

[docs]def convert_step_file(doc_file_path, doc_file_id, location, thumb_path): """ :param doc_file_path: Path of a file **.stp** :param doc_file_id: id that is applied for the generation of the tree **.arb** and the geometries **.geo** :param location: Path where to store the files **.geo** and **.arb** generated For a file STEP determined by its path (**doc_file_path**), it generates its file **.arb** and its files **.geo** having count an **id** determined by **doc_file_id** and returns in stdout the list of paths of files generated """ logging.getLogger("GarbageCollector").setLevel(logging.ERROR) step_importer = StepImporter(doc_file_path, doc_file_id) product = step_importer.generate_product_arbre() pov_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="openplm_pov") geo = step_importer.compute_geometries(location, pov_dir) print geo print write_arbrefile(product, step_importer.fileName, location) if step_importer.thumbnail_valid and product: create_thumbnail(product, step_importer, pov_dir, thumb_path) shutil.rmtree(pov_dir, True)
[docs]def write_arbrefile(product,fileName,location): """ :param product: :class:`.Product` relative to the structure of assemblies of a file **.stp** :param fileName: Name of the file **.stp** for which we are going to generate the file **.arb** :param location: Path where to store the file **.arb** generated """ data = product.to_list() name = get_available_name(location,fileName+".arb") path = os.path.join(location, name) directory = os.path.dirname(path.encode()) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) output = open(path.encode(), "w") output.write(json.dumps(data)) output.close() decomposable = "true" if product.links and product.is_decomposable else "false" return "ARB:%s\nDecomposable:%s\n" % (name, decomposable)
if __name__ == "__main__": try: convert_step_file(*sys.argv[1:]) except MultiRootError: sys.exit(-1) except OCCReadingStepError: sys.exit(-2) except: sys.exit(-3)