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Code source de plmapp.views.main

#-!- coding:utf-8 -!-

# openPLM - open source PLM
# Copyright 2010 Philippe Joulaud, Pierre Cosquer
# This file is part of openPLM.
#    openPLM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    openPLM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with openPLM.  If not, see <>.
# Contact :
#    Philippe Joulaud :
#    Pierre Cosquer :

This module contains all "html" views, i.e. views that renders an HTML page
from a standard (not ajax) HTTP request.
Ajax views are in :mod:`.ajax` and API views are in :mod:`.api`

Most of the views are decorated with :func:`.handle_errors` and
render HTML with the django template engine.

import os
import csv
import json
import tempfile
import datetime
import itertools

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.admin import DateFieldListFilter
from django.contrib.admin.options import IncorrectLookupParameters
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.views import redirect_to_login
from django.contrib.comments.views.comments import post_comment
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
from django.http import (HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse, Http404,
from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.i18n import set_language as dj_set_language
from django.forms.util import from_current_timezone

from haystack.views import SearchView

import openPLM.plmapp.csvimport as csvimport
import openPLM.plmapp.models as models
import openPLM.plmapp.forms as forms
from openPLM.plmapp.views.base import (init_ctx, get_obj,
    get_obj_by_id, handle_errors, get_generic_data, get_navigate_data,
    get_creation_view, secure_required, get_pagination)
from openPLM.plmapp.controllers import get_controller
from openPLM.plmapp.exceptions import ControllerError, PermissionError
from openPLM.plmapp.utils import filename_to_name, r2r

[docs]def set_language(request): """ A wrapper arround :func:`django.views.i18n.set_language` that stores the language in the user profile. """ response = dj_set_language(request) if request.method == "POST" and request.user.is_authenticated(): language = request.session.get('django_language') if language: request.user.profile.language = language return response
[docs]def comment_post_wrapper(request): # from # Clean the request to prevent form spoofing user = request.user if user.is_authenticated() and not user.profile.restricted: if not (user.get_full_name() == request.POST['name'] and \ == request.POST['email']): return HttpResponse("You registered user...trying to spoof a") resp = post_comment(request) if isinstance(resp, HttpResponseRedirect): messages.success(request, _(u"Your comment was posted.")) return resp return HttpResponse("You anonymous cheater...trying to spoof a form?")
[docs]def display_home_page(request): """ Home page view. :url: :samp:`/home/` **Template:** :file:`home.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``pending_invitations_owner`` QuerySet of pending invitations to groups owned by the user ``pending_invitations_guest`` QuerySet of pending invitations to groups that the user can joined """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, "User", request.user.username) del ctx["object_menu"] if not obj.restricted: # always empty if restricted -> do not hit the database pending_invitations_owner = obj.invitation_inv_owner. \ filter(state=models.Invitation.PENDING).order_by("group__name").\ select_related("guest", "owner", "group") ctx["pending_invitations_owner"] = pending_invitations_owner pending_invitations_guest = obj.invitation_inv_guest. \ filter(state=models.Invitation.PENDING).order_by("group__name").\ select_related("guest", "owner", "group") ctx["pending_invitations_guest"] = pending_invitations_guest ctx["display_group"] = True return r2r("home.html", ctx, request)
[docs]def render_attributes(obj, attrs): if getattr(settings, "HIDE_EMAILS", False): if obj.has_permission(models.ROLE_OWNER): attrs = (attr for attr in attrs if attr != "email") object_attributes = [] meta = obj.object._meta for attr in attrs: item = obj.get_verbose_name(attr) richtext = False try: field = meta.get_field(attr) richtext = getattr(field, "richtext", False) except FieldDoesNotExist: richtext = False object_attributes.append((item, getattr(obj, attr), richtext)) return object_attributes
[docs]def display_object_attributes(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): """ Attributes view of the given object. :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/attributes/` .. include:: views_params.txt **Template:** :file:`attribute.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``object_attributes`` list of tuples(verbose attribute name, value) """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) object_attributes = render_attributes(obj, obj.attributes) ctx["is_contributor"] = obj._user.profile.is_contributor ctx.update({'current_page' : 'attributes', 'object_attributes' : object_attributes}) if isinstance(obj.object, models.PLMObject): if obj.is_part: ctx["attach"] = (obj, "attach_doc") ctx["link_creation_action"] = u"%sdoc-cad/add/" % obj.plmobject_url elif obj.is_document: ctx["attach"] = (obj, "attach_part") ctx["link_creation_action"] = u"%sparts/add/" % obj.plmobject_url return r2r('attributes.html', ctx, request)
[docs]def display_object(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): """ Generic object view. Permanently redirects to the attribute page of the given object if it is a part, a user or a group and to the files page if it is a document. :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/` """ if obj_type in ('User', 'Group'): url = u"/%s/%s/attributes/" % (obj_type.lower(), obj_ref) else: model_cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[obj_type] page = "files" if issubclass(model_cls, models.Document) else "attributes" url = u"/object/%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, page) return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(iri_to_uri(url))
[docs]def redirect_history(request, type, hid): """ Redirects to the history page that contains the history item numbered *hid*. """ H = {"group" : models.GroupHistory, "user" : models.UserHistory, "object" : models.History,}[type] h = H.objects.get(id=int(hid)) date_page = str([:10] items = H.objects.filter(plmobject=h.plmobject, - 1 page = items // ITEMS_PER_HISTORY + 1 url = u"%shistory/?date_history_begin=%s&number_days=30#%s" % (h.plmobject.plmobject_url, date_page, hid) return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
[docs]def display_object_history(request, obj_type="-", obj_ref="-", obj_revi="-", timeline=False, template="history.html"): """ History view. This view displays a history of the selected object and its revisions. :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/history/` :url: :samp:`/user/{username}/history/` :url: :samp:`/group/{group_name}/history/` :url: :samp:`/timeline/` .. include:: views_params.txt **Template:** :file:`history.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``object_history`` list of :class:`.AbstractHistory` ``show_revisions`` True if the template should show the revision of each history row ``show_identifiers`` True if the template should show the type, reference and revision of each history row """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) form_date = forms.HistoryDateForm(request.GET if request.GET else None) if form_date.is_valid(): date_begin = form_date.cleaned_data["date_history_begin"] number_days = form_date.cleaned_data["number_days"] done_by = form_date.cleaned_data["done_by"] else: done_by = "" if 'date_history_begin' in request.GET: if len(request.GET['date_history_begin']) == 10 : date_begin = request.GET['date_history_begin'] date_begin = datetime.datetime(int(date_begin[:4]), int(date_begin[5:7]), int(date_begin[8:10])) else: date_begin = else : date_begin = number_days = 30 date_begin = from_current_timezone(date_begin) if date_begin > from_current_timezone( date_begin = from_current_timezone( date_end = date_begin - datetime.timedelta(days = int(number_days)) date_end = from_current_timezone(date_end) if timeline: # global timeline: shows objects owned by the company and readable objects ctx["timeline"] = True ctx['object_type'] = _("Timeline") form_object = forms.HistoryObjectForm(request.GET if request.GET else None) if form_object.is_valid(): display_part = form_object.cleaned_data["part"] display_document = form_object.cleaned_data["document"] display_group = form_object.cleaned_data["group"] else: display_part = True display_document = True display_group = True list_display = {"display_document": display_document, "display_part": display_part, "display_group" : display_group} history = models.timeline_histories(obj, from_current_timezone(date_begin + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)), date_end, done_by, list_display) ctx['form_object'] = form_object if display_document: display_document = 'on' if display_part: display_part = 'on' if display_group: display_group = 'on' ctx['display_document'] = display_document ctx['display_part'] = display_part ctx['display_group'] = display_group else: history = obj.histories history = history.filter(date__gte = date_end, date__lt = from_current_timezone(date_begin + datetime.timedelta(days = 1))) if done_by != "": if models.User.objects.filter(username= done_by).exists(): history = history.filter(user__username = done_by) else: history = history.none() messages.error(request, "This user doesn't exist") elif hasattr(obj, "revision"): # display history of all revisions ctx["show_revisions"] = True else: ctx["show_revisions"] = False history = history.select_related("plmobject", "user__profile") date_after = from_current_timezone(date_begin + datetime.timedelta(days = 1)) if date_after < from_current_timezone( ctx['date_after'] = (date_begin + datetime.timedelta(days = number_days +1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ctx.update({ 'date_before' : (date_begin - datetime.timedelta(days = number_days +1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'form_date': form_date, 'date_begin_period' : date_begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'date_end_period':date_end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), "number_days" : number_days, 'current_page' : 'history', 'object_history' : history, 'show_identifiers' : timeline }) return r2r(template, ctx, request)
[docs]def create_object(request, from_registered_view=False, creation_form=None): """ View to create a :class:`.PLMObject` or a :class:`.GroupInfo`. :url: ``/object/create/`` Requests (POST and GET) must contain a ``type`` variable that validates a :class:`.TypeForm`. POST requests must validate the creation form, fields depend on the given type. If the creation form is valid, an object is created and in case of success, this view redirects to the created object. Requests may contain a ``__next__`` variable. A successful creation will redirect to this URL. Some special strings are replaced: * ``##type##`` with the created object's type * ``##ref##`` with the created object's reference * ``##rev##`` with the created object's reference Requests may also contain other special variables (at most one of them): ``related_doc`` Id of a document. The created part will be attached to this document. Object's type is restricted to part types. Two context variables (``related_doc`` and ``related``) are set to the document controller. ``related_part`` Id of a part. The created document will be attached to this part. Object's type is restricted to document types. Two context variables (``related_part`` and ``related``) are set to the part controller. ``related_parent`` Id of a part. Object's type is restricted to part types. Two context variables (``related_parent`` and ``related``) are set to the part controller. .. note:: If *from_registered_view* is False, this view delegates its treatment to a registered view that handles creation of objects of the given type. (see :func:`.get_creation_view` and :func:`.register_creation_view`) :param from_registered_view: True if this function is called by another creation view :param creation_form: a creation form that will be used instead of the default one **Template:** :file:`create.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``creation_form`` ``creation_type_form`` :class:`.TypeForm` to select the type of the created object ``object_type`` type of the created object ``next`` value of the ``__next__`` request variable if given """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request) Form = forms.TypeForm # it is possible that the created object must be attached to a part # or a document # related_doc and related_part should be a plmobject id # If the related_doc/part is not a doc/part, we let python raise # an AttributeError, since a user should not play with the URL # and openPLM must be smart enough to produce valid URLs attach = related = None if "related_doc" in request.REQUEST: Form = forms.PartTypeForm doc = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_doc"]), request.user) attach = doc.attach_to_part ctx["related_doc"] = request.REQUEST["related_doc"] related = ctx["related"] = doc elif "related_part" in request.REQUEST: Form = forms.DocumentTypeForm part = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_part"]), request.user) attach = part.attach_to_document ctx["related_part"] = request.REQUEST["related_part"] related = ctx["related"] = part elif "related_parent" in request.REQUEST: Form = forms.PartTypeForm parent = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_parent"]), request.user) ctx["related_parent"] = request.REQUEST["related_parent"] related = ctx["related"] = parent if "pfiles" in request.REQUEST: Form = forms.Document2TypeForm if "__next__" in request.REQUEST: redirect_to = request.REQUEST["__next__"] ctx["next"] = redirect_to else: # will redirect to the created object redirect_to = None type_form = Form(request.REQUEST) if type_form.is_valid(): type_ = type_form.cleaned_data["type"] cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[type_] if not from_registered_view: view = get_creation_view(cls) if view is not None: # view has been registered to create an object of type 'cls' return view(request) else: ctx["creation_type_form"] = type_form return r2r('create.html', ctx, request) if request.method == 'GET' and creation_form is None: creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls) if related is not None: creation_form.fields["group"].initial = creation_form.initial["lifecycle"] = related.lifecycle if "pfiles" in request.GET: pfiles = request.GET.getlist("pfiles") creation_form.initial["pfiles"] = pfiles try: name = filename_to_name(obj.files.get(id=int(pfiles[0])).filename) creation_form.initial["name"] = name except Exception: pass elif request.method == 'POST': if creation_form is None: creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST) if creation_form.is_valid(): ctrl_cls = get_controller(type_) ctrl = ctrl_cls.create_from_form(creation_form, request.user) message = _(u"The %(Object_type)s has been created") % dict(Object_type = type_), message) if attach is not None: try: attach(ctrl), _(u"Files has been attached")) except (ControllerError, ValueError) as e: # crtl cannot be attached (maybe the state of the # related object as changed) # alerting the user using the messages framework since # the response is redirected message = _(u"Error: %(details)s") % dict(details=unicode(e)) messages.error(request, message) # redirecting to the ctrl page that lists its attached # objects if ctrl.is_document: return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url + "parts/") else: return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url + "doc-cad/") if redirect_to: redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##ref##", ctrl.reference) redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##rev##", ctrl.revision) redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##type##", ctrl.type) return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to or ctrl.plmobject_url) ctx.update({ 'creation_form' : creation_form, 'object_type' : type_, 'creation_type_form' : type_form, }) return r2r('create.html', ctx, request)
@handle_errors(undo="../attributes/", restricted_access=False)
[docs]def modify_object(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi): """ Manage html page for the modification of the selected object. It computes a context dictionary based on .. include:: views_params.txt """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[obj_type] if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST: modification_form = forms.get_modification_form(cls, request.POST) if modification_form.is_valid(): obj.update_from_form(modification_form) return HttpResponseRedirect(obj.plmobject_url + "attributes/") else: modification_form = forms.get_modification_form(cls, instance=obj.object) ctx['modification_form'] = modification_form return r2r('edit.html', ctx, request)
@handle_errors @handle_errors(undo="../..")
[docs]def import_csv_init(request, target="csv"): """ Manage page to import a csv file. """ if not request.user.profile.is_contributor: raise PermissionError("You are not a contributor.") obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request) if request.method == "POST": csv_form = forms.CSVForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if csv_form.is_valid(): f = request.FILES["file"] prefix = "openplmcsv" + request.user.username tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=prefix, delete=False) for chunk in f.chunks(): tmp.write(chunk) name = os.path.split([1][len(prefix):] tmp.close() encoding = csv_form.cleaned_data["encoding"] return HttpResponseRedirect("/import/%s/%s/%s/" % (target, name, encoding)) else: csv_form = forms.CSVForm() ctx["csv_form"] = csv_form ctx["step"] = 1 ctx["target"] = target return r2r("import/csv.html", ctx, request)
[docs]def import_csv_apply(request, target, filename, encoding): """ View that display a preview of an uploaded csv file. """ obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request) if not request.user.profile.is_contributor: raise PermissionError("You are not a contributor.") ctx["encoding_error"] = False ctx["io_error"] = False Importer = csvimport.IMPORTERS[target] Formset = forms.get_headers_formset(Importer) try: path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "openplmcsv" + request.user.username + filename) with open(path, "rb") as csv_file: importer = Importer(csv_file, request.user, encoding) preview = importer.get_preview() if request.method == "POST": headers_formset = Formset(request.POST) if headers_formset.is_valid(): headers = headers_formset.headers try: with open(path, "rb") as csv_file: importer = Importer(csv_file, request.user, encoding) importer.import_csv(headers) except csvimport.CSVImportError as exc: ctx["errors"] = exc.errors.iteritems() else: os.remove(path) return HttpResponseRedirect("/import/done/") else: initial = [{"header": header} for header in preview.guessed_headers] headers_formset = Formset(initial=initial) ctx.update({ "preview" : preview, "preview_data" : itertools.izip((f["header"] for f in headers_formset.forms), preview.headers, *preview.rows), "headers_formset" : headers_formset, }) except UnicodeError: ctx["encoding_error"] = True except (IOError, csv.Error): ctx["io_error"] = True ctx["has_critical_error"] = ctx["io_error"] or ctx["encoding_error"] \ or "errors" in ctx ctx["csv_form"] = forms.CSVForm(initial={"encoding" : encoding}) ctx["step"] = 2 ctx["target"] = target return r2r("import/csv.html", ctx, request)
[docs]def import_csv_done(request): obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request) return r2r("import/done.html", ctx, request)
[docs]class OpenPLMSearchView(SearchView):
[docs] def extra_context(self): extra = super(OpenPLMSearchView, self).extra_context() obj, ctx = get_generic_data(self.request, search=False) ctx["type"] = type = self.request.session["type"] ctx["object_type"] = _("Search") ctx["suggestion"] = self.suggestion ctx["extra_types"] = [c.__name__ for c in models.IObject.__subclasses__()] try: cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[type] if issubclass(cls, models.PLMObject): main_cls = models.Part if issubclass(cls, models.Part) else models.Document ctx["subtypes"] = models.get_subclasses(main_cls) except KeyError: pass extra.update(ctx) return extra
[docs] def get_query(self): query = super(OpenPLMSearchView, self).get_query() or "*" self.request.session["search_query"] = query return query
[docs] def get_results(self): results = super(OpenPLMSearchView, self).get_results() # update request.session so that the left panel displays # the same results session = self.request.session self.suggestion = results.spelling_suggestion(self.get_query()) session["results"] = results[:30] session["search_count"] = results.count() session["search_official"] = self.request.GET.get("search_official", "") from haystack import site for r in session.get("results"): r.searchsite = site return results
@method_decorator(handle_errors) def __call__(self, request): return super(OpenPLMSearchView, self).__call__(request)
[docs]class SimpleDateFilter(DateFieldListFilter): template = "snippets/time_filter.html" def __init__(self, field, request, model, field_path): params = {} for param, value in request.GET.items(): params[param.replace(field_path, field)] = value self.field_path2 = field_path mfield = model._meta.get_field(field) super(SimpleDateFilter, self).__init__(mfield, request, params, model, None, field) self.display = ""
[docs] def filters(self): for i, (title, param_dict) in enumerate(self.links): params = { self.field_path2 + "__gte": "", self.field_path2 + "__lt": "", } for param, value in param_dict.iteritems(): params[param.replace(self.field_path, self.field_path2)] = value selected = (self.date_params == param_dict or (i == 0 and not any(self.date_params.itervalues()))) if selected: self.display = title yield { 'selected': selected, 'param_dict': params, 'display': title, }
[docs] def queryset(self, request, queryset): try: queryset = super(SimpleDateFilter, self).queryset(request, queryset) except IncorrectLookupParameters: # wrong query manually entered, ignore it pass return queryset
[docs]def browse(request, type="object"): user = request.user if user.is_authenticated() and not user.profile.restricted: # only authenticated users can see all groups and users obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, search=False) plmtypes = ("object", "part", "topassembly", "document") try: type2manager = { "object" : models.PLMObject.objects, "part" : models.Part.objects, "topassembly" : models.Part.top_assemblies, "document" : models.Document.objects, "group" : models.GroupInfo.objects, "user" : User.objects.select_related("profile"), } manager = type2manager[type] main_cls = manager.model stype = request.GET.get("stype") plmobjects = ctx["plmobjects"] = type in plmtypes if plmobjects and stype and stype != "Object": cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[stype] if not issubclass(cls, main_cls): raise Http404 if type == "topassembly": manager = cls.top_assemblies else: manager = cls.objects else: stype = None ctx["stype"] = stype except KeyError: raise Http404 object_list = manager.all() # this is only relevant for authenticated users ctx["state"] = state = request.GET.get("state", "all") if plmobjects: ctx["subtypes"] = models.get_subclasses(main_cls) if type == "object": ctx["subtypes"][0] = (0, models.PLMObject, "Object") if state != models.get_cancelled_state().name: object_list = object_list.exclude_cancelled() if state == "official": object_list = object_list.officials() elif state == "published": object_list = object_list.filter(published=True) elif state != "all": object_list = object_list.filter(state=state) ctx["states"] = models.State.objects.order_by("name").values_list("name", flat=True) # date filters model = object_list.model ctime = "date_joined" if type == "user" else "ctime" ctime_filter = SimpleDateFilter(ctime, request, model, "ctime") object_list = ctime_filter.queryset(request, object_list) ctx["time_filters"] = [ctime_filter] if plmobjects: mtime_filter = SimpleDateFilter("mtime", request, model, "mtime") object_list = mtime_filter.queryset(request, object_list) ctx["time_filters"].append(mtime_filter) else: try: manager = { "object" : models.PLMObject.objects, "part" : models.Part.objects, "topassembly" : models.Part.top_assemblies, "document" : models.Document.objects, }[type] except KeyError: raise Http404 ctx = init_ctx("-", "-", "-") ctx.update({ 'is_readable' : True, 'is_contributor': False, 'plmobjects' : True, 'restricted' : True, 'object_menu' : [], 'navigation_history' : [], }) query = Q(published=True) if user.is_authenticated(): readable = query |= Q(id__in=readable.values_list("plmobject_id", flat=True)) object_list = manager.filter(query).exclude_cancelled() ctx.update(get_pagination(request, object_list, type)) extra_types = [c.__name__ for c in models.IObject.__subclasses__()] ctx.update({ "object_type" : _("Browse"), "type" : type, "extra_types" : extra_types, }) return r2r("browse.html", ctx, request)
[docs]def public(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, template="public.html"): """ .. versionadded:: 1.1 Public view of the given object, this view is accessible to anonymous users. The object must be a published part or document. Redirects to the login page if the object is not published and the user is not authenticated. :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/public/` .. include:: views_params.txt **Template:** :file:`public.html` **Context:** ``RequestContext`` ``obj`` the controller ``object_attributes`` list of tuples(verbose attribute name, value) ``revisions`` list of published related revisions ``attached`` list of published attached documents and parts """ # do not call get_generic_data to avoid the overhead due # to a possible search and the update of the navigation history obj = get_obj(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi, request.user) if not (obj.is_part or obj.is_document): raise Http404 if not obj.published and request.user.is_anonymous(): return redirect_to_login(request.get_full_path()) elif not obj.published and not obj.check_restricted_readable(False): raise Http404 ctx = init_ctx(obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi) object_attributes = render_attributes(obj, obj.published_attributes) object_attributes.insert(4, (obj.get_verbose_name("state"),, False)) if request.user.is_anonymous(): test = lambda x: x.published is_contributor = False else: is_contributor = request.user.profile.is_contributor readable =\ .values_list("plmobject_id", flat=True) test = lambda x: x.published or in readable revisions = [rev for rev in obj.get_all_revisions() if test(rev)] if obj.is_part: attached = [d.document for d in obj.get_attached_documents() if test(d.document)] else: attached = [d.part for d in obj.get_attached_parts() if test(d.part)] ctx.update({ 'is_readable' : True, 'is_contributor': is_contributor, # disable the menu and the navigation_history 'object_menu' : [], 'navigation_history' : [], 'obj' : obj, 'object_attributes': object_attributes, 'revisions' : revisions, 'attached' : attached, }) return r2r(template, ctx, request)